Contract project: Developer, various updates and changes when Comcast changed to their new xfinity website.
Emerson Radio
Contract project: Developer, javascript interactive media featurette for the emersonradio.com landing page.
Avion Tequila
Contract project: Lead Developer, promotional "Cocktail Challenge" contest site. Development of login / voting system.
Strauch Fiber
Project primary: Client & Whitestar designed site. Development included interactive Flash map, custom video player.
Occoquan Chiropractic
Project primary: One of our first clients. Her site recently was redesigned for a new and updated look.
Richards Construction
Project primary: Custom site design and development.
Ten Leaders
Project primary: Site design and integration with client database system.
Digital Press International
Project primary: Responsive site design and integration with existing client Wordpress system.
Presto! Pizza
Project primary: Local business needed a new non-Flash site. BEST Pizza in VA!! (Free plug, they deserve it!)
Genesis Financial Recovery
Project primary: Responsive site facelift for credit recovery business. Clean, simple, effective.
Mauck Zantzinger & Assoc.
Project primary: Site requiring custom portfolio slideshows, Flash and iDevice/mobile/touchscreen compatible.
Campaign Sports
Contract project: Lead Developer, custom web application built from the ground up. Includes admin portal, multiple client inter...
Applied Nutrition, Mini-Site
Contract project: Lead Developer, interactive mini site for Applied Nutrition to promote their new product line.
IWM, Free-Retire-Check.com
Contract project: Lead Developer, variety of interactive and dynamic page elements including Adobe Flash integration with...
Johnson Capital, Web Portal
Contract project: Lead Developer, created a web portal that would allow users to send loan submissions directly to the company...
MediSan Corp
Contract project: Lead Developer, variety of interactive and dynamic webpage elements.
Lowe & Moyer
Contract project: Lead Developer, created an admin panel for listing of inventory as well as a dynamic front end search system for...
Wieselteir Medical Group
Contract project: Lead Developer, collaborative work on custom "Medical Intake" submission system for use by doctors and...